library(tidyverse) library(nlme) library(lme4) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Experiment 1 exp1.pre <- read.csv("experiment1.csv") # Model building and final model selection M1.Full <- lme(rt ~ hand * response, random = ~1 | subject, method="ML", data = exp1.pre) M1.A <- update(M1.Full, .~. - hand:response) anova(M1.Full, M1.A) M1.Final <- lme(rt ~ hand * response, random = ~1 | subject, method="REML", data = exp1.pre) summary(M1.Final) # Compute effect size lmerfit1 <- lmer(rt ~ hand * response + (1|subject) + (1|trial), data = exp1.pre) randomvar <- VarCorr(lmerfit1) print(randomvar, comp=c("Variance")) randomvar <- trialvar <- randomvar$vcov[1] subjectvar <- randomvar$vcov[2] resid <- randomvar$vcov[3] fixed <- getME(lmerfit1, "beta") diff <- fixed[4] effectsize <- diff/sqrt(trialvar + subjectvar + resid) effectsize # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Experiment 2 exp2.pre <- read.csv("experiment2.csv") # Model building and model testing M1.Full <- lme(rt ~ hand * response, random = ~1 | subject, method="ML", data = exp2.pre) M1.A <- update(M1.Full, .~. - hand:response) anova(M1.Full, M1.A) M1.Final <- lme(rt ~ hand * response, random = ~1 | subject, method="REML", data = exp2.pre) summary(M1.Final) # Compute effect size lmerfit1 <- lmer(rt ~ hand * response + (1|subject) + (1|trial), data = exp2.pre) randomvar <- VarCorr(lmerfit1) print(randomvar, comp=c("Variance")) randomvar <- trialvar <- randomvar$vcov[1] subjectvar <- randomvar$vcov[2] resid <- randomvar$vcov[3] fixed <- getME(lmerfit1, "beta") diff <- fixed[4] effectsize <- diff/sqrt(trialvar + subjectvar + resid) effectsize # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Experiment 3 exp3.pre <- read.csv("experiment3.csv") # Current linear model and assumption testing M1.1 <- lme(rt ~ hand * response * space, random = ~1 | subject, method="ML", data = exp3.pre) summary(M1.1) M1.2 <- update(M1.1, .~. - hand:space:response) summary(M1.2) anova(M1.1, M1.2) M1.3 <- update(M1.2, .~. - space:response) anova(M1.2, M1.3) M1.4 <- update(M1.3, .~. - hand:response) anova(M1.3, M1.4) M1.5 <- update(M1.3, .~. - hand:space) anova(M1.3, M1.5) M1.Full <- lme(rt ~ hand * response + space * hand, random = ~1 | subject, method="REML", data = exp3.pre) summary(M1.Full) #calculate effect size lmerfit1 <- lmer(rt ~ hand * response + space * hand + (1|subject) + (1|trial), data = exp3.pre) randomvar <- VarCorr(lmerfit1) print(randomvar, comp=c("Variance")) randomvar <- trialvar <- randomvar$vcov[1] subjectvar <- randomvar$vcov[2] resid <- randomvar$vcov[3] fixed <- getME(lmerfit1, "beta") diff1 <- fixed[6] diff2 <- fixed[7] effectsize_response_interaction <- diff1/sqrt(trialvar + subjectvar + resid) effectsize_space_interaction <- diff2/sqrt(trialvar + subjectvar + resid) op <- par(mfrow = c(2,2)) #check assumptions plot(M1.Final, add.smooth = FALSE)